Saturday, August 22, 2009

Boot your Computer from a Bootable USB Device


You might want to boot from a USB device, like an external hard drive or a flash drive, for many different reasons.

When you boot from a USB device, what you're actually doing is running your computer with the operating system that's installed on the USB device. When you start your computer normally, you're running with the operating system installed on your hard drive - Windows, Linux, etc.

Follow these easy steps to boot from a flash drive, an external hard drive, or some other bootable USB device.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: Booting from a USB device usually takes less than 10 to 20 minutes.

Here's How:
  1. Change the BIOS boot order so the USB device option is listed first. The BIOS is rarely setup this way by default.

    If the USB port is not first in the boot order, your PC will start "normally" (i.e. boot from your hard drive) without even looking at any boot information that might be on your USB device.

    Note: After setting your USB device as the first boot device, your computer will check it for boot information each time your PC starts. Leaving your computer configured this way shouldn't cause problems unless you plan on leaving the USB device attached all the time.

  2. Attach the USB device to your computer via any available USB port.

    How do you know if a USB device is bootable? The easiest way to find out if a flash drive or external hard drive is bootable is to plug it in and follow the rest of these instructions.

    Note: Creating a bootable flash drive or configuring an external hard drive as bootable is a task in itself. Follow any instructions given with the data that should be bootable.

  3. Restart your computer.

  4. Watch for a Press any key to boot from external device... message.

    On some bootable devices, you may be prompted with a message to press a key before the computer will boot to the flash drive or other USB device.

    If you do nothing, your computer will check for boot information on the next boot device in the list in BIOS (see Step 1) which will probably be your hard drive.

    Note: Most of the time when trying to boot to a USB device there is no key-press prompt. The boot process usually starts immediately.

  5. Your computer should now boot from the USB flash drive or USB based external hard drive.

    Note: What happens now depends on what the bootable USB device was intended for. If you're booting to an old version of MS-DOS on a flash drive, MS-DOS will load. If you're booting to the DSL version of Linux, it will start. You get the idea.

    If you tried the above steps but your computer did not boot from the USB device, check out some of the tips below.

  1. Recheck the boot order in BIOS (Step 1). The number one reason a bootable flash drive or other USB device won't boot is because BIOS is not configured to check the USB port first.
  2. Didn't find a "USB Device" boot order listing in BIOS? If your computer was manufactured around 2001 or before, it may not have this ability. If your computer is newer, check for some other ways that the USB option might be worded. In some BIOS versions, it's called "Removable Devices" or "External Devices".
  3. Switch to another USB port. The BIOS on some motherboards only check the first few USB ports. Switch to another USB port and restart your computer.
  4. Copy the files to the USB device again. If you created the bootable flash drive or external hard drive yourself, which you probably did, repeat whatever steps you took again. You may have made a mistake before or misse

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hinweis: Die Spam-Quarantäne-Dienst analysiert alle E-Mails an der Indiana University Cyrus / Webmail und Exchange-Accounts. Alle Spam-Nachrichten, die Sie erhalten, sind unter Quarantäne für fünf Tage in einem Spam (Cyrus / Webmail) oder Junk-E-Mail (Exchange)-Ordner in Ihrem Konto. Nach fünf Tagen, die Spam-Nachrichten-Dienst löscht diese automatisch. Für weitere Informationen Auf IE, welche die Spam-Quarantäne-Dienst?
Auf dieser Seite:
     * Definitionen
     * Wie Spammer bedienen
     * Warum erhalte ich Spam?
     * Was ist zu tun?
     * Spam
     * Weitere Informationen
Der Begriff "Spam" ist Internet-Slang, der sich auf unerbetene kommerzielle E-Mails (UCE) oder unerwünschte Massen-E-Mail (UBE). Einige Menschen beziehen sich auf diese Art der Kommunikation als Junk-E-Mail an gleichzusetzen ist mit dem Papier Junk-E-Mail, die durch die US-E-Mail. Unerwünschte E-Mail am häufigsten enthält Werbung für Dienstleistungen oder Produkte, aber nur sehr wenige seriöse Vermarkter UCE Nutzung zu werben. Die am häufigsten gesehen Spam beinhaltet folgende Dienstleistungen:
     * Phishing-Betrug, ein sehr beliebtes und gefährliche Form der E-Mail-Betrug
     * Ausländische Bank oder ein Vorschuss-Betrug Gebühr Betrugsdelikten
     * Pyramidensysteme, einschließlich Multilevel Marketing (MLM)
     * Andere "Get Rich Quick" oder "Make Money Fast (MMF) Systeme
     * Quack Gesundheit und Abhilfemaßnahmen
     * Werbung für pornografische Websites
     * Angebote von Software für E-Mail-Adressen sammeln und Senden von UCE
     * Angebote der Bulk-E-Mail-Dienste für das Senden von UCE
     * Kettenbriefe (weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Über-Kette mail)
     * Illegalen Raubkopien-Software ( "Warez")
Hinweis: Weitere Informationen über E-Mail-Betrug, siehe Was ist E-Mail-Betrug, und was soll ich tun?
Zurück zum Anfang
Wie Spammer bedienen
Anders als Junk-Mail-Papier, E-Mail-Spam-Kosten für die Absender nur sehr wenig zu senden; fast alle der Kosten werden durch die Empfänger und die Träger, da die Spammer nicht zu zahlen haben für alle die Internet-Bandbreite gebunden bei der Auslieferung der Spam . Denn sie haben keinen Anreiz, effizient in ihrer Masse E-Mail, Spammer in der Regel nicht sehr viel Aufwand in die Überprüfung der E-Mail-Adressen, sie nutzen die automatische Programme, sogenannte Bots geschützt Scour auf das Internet und Usenet Newsgroups, Adressen sammeln, oder kaufen sie in großen Mengen aus anderen Unternehmen. Spammer auch erraten Adressen mit Namen Generation Programme und sogar Tausende von Nachrichten, die Sprungkraft. Um eine einzige Antwort, die Spammer sind, senden Sie eine E-Mail-Nachrichten tausend oder zehntausend, es macht wenig Unterschied zu ihnen.
Viele Spam-emailers Verwendung Tricks, um Sie zu lesen, ihre Botschaften. Zum Beispiel, sie die "Subject:"-Zeile zu locken, um die Nachricht. Denn die Tricks der Spammer benutzen, um die E-Mail an Sie, Ihre E-Mail-Adresse möglicherweise nicht in der "To"-Zeile der Nachricht, und Sie so gut wie nie die E-Mail-Adressen der anderen Menschen, die sie an die Nachricht an. Das Schlimmste, was über Spam ist jedoch, dass die Spammer benutzen Tricks, die helfen, Verschleierung der Herkunft ihrer Nachrichten.
Eine der häufigsten Tricks ist es, Nachrichten über die E-Mail-Server eines unschuldigen Dritten. Diese Taktik der doppelten Schaden: der Erhalt und die unschuldige Relais sind mit Spam überflutet. Und für jede Mail, die sich durch, die oft die Flut der Beschwerden geht zurück auf die Website, die unschuldige wurde, wie die Herkunft der Spam-Mails. Viele Spammer senden ihre Spam aus ein kostenloses Konto von einem großen Internet-Anbieter wie AOL, Yahoo! Oder Hotmail, dann verlassen das Konto öffnen und eine neue, für den nächsten Angriff. Ein anderer Trick besteht darin, gemeinsame zu schmieden die Kopfzeilen der Nachrichten, so dass es scheint, als ob die Nachricht stammt anderswo. Dies wird als gefälschte E-Mail. Es gibt einige Stücke von Informationen in der vollständigen Kopfzeile, dass die Spammer nicht schmieden, sondern auch nach der technischen Untersuchung in die Quelle der Nachricht, die meist die daraus resultierenden Informationen führt zu einer Sackgasse, in der Regel ein verlassenes Konto oder ein unschuldiger Mail-Relay-Server.
Zurück zum Anfang
Warum erhalte ich Spam?
Untersuchungen der Federal Trade Commission und das Zentrum für Demokratie und Technologie zeigt, dass E-Mail-Adressen auf Webseiten oder in Newsgroups ziehen die meisten Spam-Mails. Ein einfacher Weg, um herauszufinden, warum Sie sich so viel Spam ist, geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in eine Suchmaschine ein, z. B. Die Zahl der mal Ihre Adresse wird durch die Suche kann Sie überraschen. Obwohl Ihr Indiana University persönliche Homepage ist nicht von Suchmaschinen indexiert, Abteilungs-Seiten und andere offizielle Universität Websites. Wenn Sie Ihre Adresse ist für eine dieser, dann ist es für die Ernte. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Wie kann ich meine Web-Seiten von E-Mail-Adresse der Ernte?
Sie könnte auch Spam erhalten, wenn Sie das Formular Online-Formulare oder die mit bestimmten Unternehmen per E-Mail. Obwohl die meisten seriösen Seiten haben gute Privatsphäre und geben Ihre Daten, es liegt an Ihnen zu entscheiden, welche Seiten Sie vertrauen nicht zu verkaufen, Ihre Adresse an Spammer.
IE nicht und werden Ihre Informationen nicht verkaufen. Darüber hinaus IE nicht teilen Sie Ihre Informationen, außer in Fällen, in denen die gemeinsame Nutzung steht im Einklang mit der Universität hat die Aufgabe oder gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist. Zum Beispiel, IE hat eine rechtliche Verpflichtung zur Bereitstellung von Informationen aus, einschließlich E-Mail-Adressen, an die US-Militärs für alle in Frage kommenden Mitarbeiter. Diese Informationen werden benötigt, unter den Bedingungen der Solomon Änderungsantrag, der die Studenten, sich mit dem Selective Service, um für Titel IV Federal Student Finanzielle Hilfen.
Zurück zum Anfang
Was ist zu tun?
Spam wird zunehmend zu einem Problem im Internet, und auch wenn es möglicherweise staatliche oder Bundesgesetze über einige Arten von unerwünschten E-Mails (meist die betrügerische Art und Weise), diese Gesetze nicht für alle Arten von Spam-E-Mail und es kann sehr teuer zu verfolgen Spammer durch die Gerichte. Obwohl Computer-Experten sind ständig bessere Gestaltung und bessere Wege zu filtern unerwünschte E-Mails, die Spammer sind auch ständig Konzipierung Möglichkeiten, sich auf die technischen Lösungen. Es ist eine sehr frustrierende Situation für den Nutzer als auch für den technischen Support. Es ist eine grundlegende Tatsache, dass der Internet-Leben, wenn Sie das Internet nutzen, werden Sie unerwünschte E-Mails.
Glücklicherweise gibt es einige Dinge, die Sie tun können, die möglicherweise dazu beitragen, die Anzahl der Spam erhalten Sie (für weitere Informationen, siehe Was kann ich tun, um Spam-E-Mail erhalten?), Und einige Dinge IE nicht zur Verringerung der Menge an Spam Sie erhalten (für weitere Informationen, siehe Was tun IE zum Schutz der Anwender vor Spam-und Virus-infizierten E-Mail?).
Zurück zum Anfang
Die meisten Internet Service Provider (ISPs) sind bekannte und sie auch, welche Schritte sie zur Verfügung stehen, um die Menge von Spam erhalten Sie. Um für diese Maßnahmen zu ergreifen gegen Spammer, Internet-Service-Anbieter müssen wissen, über die Spam aus ihren Bereichen. Für weitere Informationen, um Spam zu melden, finden Sie in der "Spam"-Abschnitt Was muss ich tun, wenn ich Spam-E-Mail?
Zurück zum Anfang
Weitere Informationen
     * Die Website wird von einer Gruppe, die aktiv bei der Bekämpfung von Spam-Jahren. Der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung, seit 1996 ist diese Seite verwiesen wurde als eines der besten Anti-Spam-Websites zur Verfügung.
     * Junkbusters ist eine der besten Seiten im Web nach Informationen über Spam und anderen Fragen Invasion der Privatsphäre.
     * Das Zentrum für Demokratie und Technologie und der Federal Trade Commission haben umfangreiche Studien in Bezug auf Spam.
Zurück zum Anfang
Sehen Sie auch:
     * Was kann ich tun, um Spam-E-Mail erhalten?
     * Was soll ich wissen, um sich in Probleme mit E-Mail?
     * Was soll ich tun, wenn ich Spam-E-Mail?
     * Wie kann ich meine Web-Seiten von E-Mail-Adresse der Ernte?
     * Bei IE, wie kann ich Spam?
     * Warum erhalte ich die Pop-up-Nachrichten aus dem Windows Messenger-Dienst oder NetSend?
     * Wie kann ich sicher sein, dass eine Website wirklich?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cleaning the computer and its components


    Quick links

    How often should I clean my computer?
    General cleaning tips
    Cleaning tools
    Case cleaning
    CD-ROM / other disc drive cleaning
    CD / DVD cleaning
    Floppy drive cleaning
    Hard Disk Drive cleaning
    Headphones cleaning
    Keyboard cleaning
    Laptop cleaning
    LCD cleaning
    Monitor cleaning
    Motherboard cleaning
    Mouse cleaning
    Palm Pilot cleaning
    Printer cleaning
    Scanner cleaning
    SuperDisk cleaning


    Dirty computer case fanCleaning your computer and your computer components and peripherals helps keep the components and computer in good working condition and helps keep the computers from spreading germs. To the right is an example image of how dirty the inside of your computer case can get. This example is a dirty computer case fan.

    Depending on the environment that your computer operates in determines how often you should clean your computer case. The below list is our recommendation and may change depending upon your computer's environment.

    How often should I clean my computer?

    The frequency of how often you should clean your computer varies on several different factors. To help you determine how often you need to clean your computer we've created the below chart, check each of the boxes below that apply to your computers environment to see how often to clean your computer.

    Where is computer located?

    In a home environment

    In a clean office environment

    In construction / industry environment

    In school environment

    Computer environment

    Have cat / dog in same building as computer

    Smoke in same building as computer

    Smoke next to computer

    Computer is on floor

    Room that the computer is in has carpet

    Eat and/or drink by computer

    Who uses it?

    Adult (18 and older)

    Young adults (ages 10-18) use computer

    Pre-teen (younger than 10) use computer

    More than one person uses computer

    Based off what has been checked above you should be cleaning your computer every months.

    General cleaning Tips

    Below is a listing of general tips that should be taken when cleaning any of the components or peripherals of a computer as well as tips to help keep a computer clean.

    1. Never spray or squirt any type of liquid onto any computer component. If a spray is needed, spray the liquid onto a cloth and then use that cloth to rub down the component.
    2. Users can use a vacuum to suck up dirt, dust, or hair around their computer on the outside case and on their keyboards. However, do not use a vacuum for the inside of your computer as it generates a lot of static electricity that can damage the internal components of your computer. If you need to use a vacuum to clean the inside of your computer, use a portable battery powered vacuum designed to do this job.
    3. When cleaning a component and/or the computer, turn it off before cleaning.
    4. Never get any component inside the computer or any other circuit board damp or wet.
    5. Be cautious when using any type of cleaning solvents; some individuals may have allergic reactions to chemicals in cleaning solvents and some solvents can even damage the case. Try to always use water or a highly diluted solvent.
    6. When cleaning, be careful not to accidentally adjust any knobs or controls. In addition, when cleaning the back of the computer, if anything is plugged in, make sure not to disconnect any of the plugs.
    7. When cleaning fans, especially the smaller fans within a portable computer or laptop it's suggested that you either hold the fan or place something in-between the fan blades to prevent it from spinning. Spraying compressed air into a fan or cleaning a fan with a vacuum may cause damage to some fans or in some cases cause back voltage.
    8. Never eat or drink around the computer.
    9. Limit smoking around the computer.

    Cleaning tools

    Although many companies have created products to help improve the process of cleaning your computer and peripherals, users can also use household items to clean their computers and peripherals. Below is a listing of items you may need or want to use while cleaning your computer or computer peripherals.

    Keep in mind that some components in your computer may only be able to be cleaned using a product designed for cleaning that component; if this is the case, it will be mentioned in the cleaning tips.

    • Cloth - A cloth is the best tool used when rubbing down a component; although paper towels can be used with most hardware, we recommend using a cloth when ever possible. Caution: We only suggest you use a cloth when cleaning components such as the outside of the case, a drive, mouse, etc. You should not use a cloth to clean any circuitry such as the RAM or motherboard.
    • Water or rubbing alcohol - When moistening a cloth, it is best to use water or rubbing alcohol. Other solvents may be bad for the plastics used with your computer.
    • Portable Vacuum - Sucking the dust, dirt, hair, cigarette particles, and other particles out of a computer can be one of the best methods of cleaning a computer. Over time, these items can restrict the airflow in a computer and cause circuitry to corrode. Do not use a standard vacuum as it can generate a lot of static electricity that can damage your computer.
    • Cotton swabs - Cotton swaps moistened with rubbing alcohol or water are excellent tools for wiping hard to reach areas in your keyboard, mouse, and other locations.
    • Foam swabs - Whenever possible, it is better to use lint-free swabs such as foam swabs.

    Case cleaning

    Why? Keeps the appearance of the computer looking new. During cleaning, if ventilation locations are found, these can be cleaned helping the case keep a steady airflow to the computer, keeping components cool and in good working condition.

    Procedure: The plastic case that houses the PC components can be cleaned with a lint-free cloth that has been slightly dampened with water. For stubborn stains, add a little household detergent to the cloth. It is recommended that you never use a solvent cleaner on plastics.

    Make sure all vents and air holes are hair and lint free by rubbing a cloth over the holes and vents. It is also helpful to take a vacuum around each of the hole, vents, and crevices on the computer. It is safe to use a standard vacuum when cleaning the outside vents of a computer; however, if you need to clean the inside of the computer, use a portable battery powered vacuum to prevent static electricity.

    If you are looking for steps on cleaning the inside of the computer, please see our motherboard cleaning section.

    Additional help: Case Page

    CD-ROM or other disc drive cleaning

    Why? A dirty CD-ROM drive or other disc drive can cause read errors with CD discs. These read errors could cause software installation issues or issues while running the program.

    Procedure: To clean the CD-ROM drive we recommend purchasing a CD-ROM cleaner from your local retailer such as a local Radio Shack. Using a CD-ROM cleaner should sufficiently clean the CD-ROM laser from dust, dirt, and hair.

    In addition to cleaning the drive with a special disc designed to clean drives users can also use a cloth dampened with water to clean the tray that ejects from the drive. Make sure however that after the tray has been cleaned that it completely dry before putting the tray back into the drive.

    Also see our CD cleaning recommendation for steps on cleaning each of your CDs.

    Additional help: CD-ROM Page

    CD / DVD cleaning

    Why? Dirty CDs can cause read errors and/or cause CDs to not work at all.

    Procedure: Cleaning CDs and DVDs should be done with a cleaning kit but can also be done with a normal clean cotton cloth or shirt. When doing this with a clean cotton cloth or shirt, wipe against the tracks, starting from the middle of the CD or DVD and wiping towards the outer side as shown in the below picture. Never wipe with the tracks; doing so may put more scratches on the disc.

    Cleaning a CD and DVD disc

    It is recommended when cleaning a CD that water is used. However, if the substance on a CD cannot be removed using water, pure alcohol can also be used.

    Additional help: CD-ROM Page

    Floppy drive cleaning

    Why? Dirty read/write heads on the floppy drive can cause errors during the reading and/or writing process.

    Procedures: The floppy drive can be cleaned two different ways. The first method of cleaning a floppy drive, and our recommended method, is to purchase a kit at your local retail store designed to clean the read/write heads on your floppy drive.

    The second method of cleaning the floppy drive is only recommended for experienced computer users. Open the floppy drive casing and physically swab the read/write heads with a lint-free foam swab soaked in pure alcohol, free-on, or trichloroethane. When performing these steps, be extremely careful when cleaning the heads to ensure that you do not lock them out of alignment causing the floppy drive to not work. To help prevent the heads from becoming out of alignment, use a dabbing motion lightly putting the swab on the head and removing it, do not perform a side-to-side motion with the swab.

    Additional help: Floppy Drive Page

    Hard disk drive cleaning

    Why? While hard drives cannot be cleaned physically, they can be cleaned with various utilities on the computer to help it run fast and more efficiently. Utilizing these utilities will prevent the hard drive from slowing down.

    Procedure: Refer to our basic troubleshooting section for your operating system for steps that can be done to help improve the performance of your computer.

    Additional help: Hard Disk Drive Page

    Headphones cleaning

    Why? Headphones that are used by multiple people may need to be cleaned frequently to help prevent the spreading of germs and head lice.

    Procedure: If the headphones being used are plastic and/or vinyl, moisten a cloth with warm water and rub the head and earpieces of the headphones. As mentioned earlier in our cleaning tips, it is recommended that if your headphones are being used for a library or school that you do not use any type of disinfectant or cleaning solvent as users may have allergic reactions to the chemicals they contain.

    Headphones that have cushions also have the availability of having the cushions replaced. Replacing these cushions can also help keep the headphones clean.

    Finally, in regards to headphones and the spreading of head lice, if multiple students are using your headphones, you should consider having the students use their own headphones, using bags that are placed over the headphones, or having headphones that can be wiped with warm water after each student has used the headphones.

    Keyboard cleaning

    If you're trying to clean a laptop keyboard see document CH000780 for additional help and information. All of the below information applies to standard desktop computer keyboards.

    Why? Dirt, dust and hair can build up causing the keyboard to not function properly.

    Procedure: Many people clean the keyboard by turning it upside down and shaking. A more effective method is to use compressed air. Compressed air is pressurized air contained in a can with a very long nozzle. Simply aim the air between the keys and blow away all of the dust and debris that has gathered there. A vacuum cleaner can also be used, but make sure the keyboard doesn't have loose "pop off" keys that could possibly be sucked up by the vacuum.

    Why? If the keyboard has anything spilt into it (ie: pop, Pepsi, Coke, beer, wine, coffee, milk, etc.), not taking the proper steps can cause the keyboard to be destroyed.

    Procedure: Below are a few recommendations to help prevent a keyboard from becoming bad once a substance has been spilt within it.

    If anything is spilt onto the keyboard turn the computer off immediately. Once the computer is turned off, quickly flip the keyboard over helping to prevent the substance from penetrating circuits. While the keyboard is upside down, shake the keyboard over a surface you do not mind getting wet or that can be cleaned up later. While still upside down, use a cloth to help clean out what can be reached. After you you have cleaned the keyboard to the best of your ability leave the keyboard upside down for at least one night allowing it to dry.

    If a keyboard does not work after trying it again later it is recommended that it be replaced. If the keyboard works but some of the keys are sticky or cannot be pressed in you can attempt to do additional cleaning in attempt to resolve the issue. Unfortunately many times when any sticky substance such as a non-diet pop is spilt directly onto the keyboard it's usually a loss unless you plan on spending dozens of hours attempting to clean each key.

    Why? A keyboard that is used by multiple people, such as students or different employees, may need to be disinfected to help the spread of germs.

    Procedure: Turn off the computer. Spray a disinfectant onto a cloth or damp a cloth with alcohol and rub each of the keys on the keyboard. As mentioned in our general cleaning tips, never spray any type of liquid onto the keyboard.

    Additional Information: Keyboard Page

    Laptop cleaning

    Additional help and information about cleaning your laptop or portable computer can be found on document CH000780.

    LCD cleaning

    Why? Dirt, dust, and finger prints can cause the computer screen to be difficult to read.

    Procedure: Unlike a computer monitor, the LCD / flat-panel display is not made of glass, therefore requires special cleaning procedures.

    When cleaning the LCD screen it is important to remember to not spray any liquids onto the LCD directly, press gently while cleaning, and do not use a paper towel as it may cause the LCD to become scratched.

    To clean the LCD screen we recommend that you use a non-rugged microfiber cloth, soft cotton cloth, or Swiffer duster. If a dry cloth does not completely clean the screen, you can apply rubbing alcohol to the cloth and wipe the screen with the damp cloth. Rubbing alcohol is actually used to clean the LCD before it leaves the factory.

    Additional help: LCD help

    Monitor cleaning

    Note: This section is for computer monitors if you have a LCD or flat-panel see our LCD cleaning section.

    Why? Dirt, dust, and fingerprints can cause the computer screen to be difficult to read.

    Procedure: The glass monitor screen can be cleaned with ordinary household glass cleaner*. Be sure to remove power from the monitor and spray the cleaner onto a lint free-cloth so the fluid doesn't leak into the electrical components inside the monitor. Vacuum off any dust that has settled on top of the monitor, and make sure no books or papers have been placed on the air vents. Obstructed monitor vents can cause the monitor to overheat or even catch on fire.

    *Warning: We suggest using a cloth dampened with water when cleaning monitor on a screen that is not made of glass or has any type of anti-glare protection on the screen. Using ordinary household glass cleaner on special screens, especially cleaners with ammonia can remove anti-glare protection and/or other special surfaces.

    Other good cleaning solutions

    • Microfiber Towels
    • Swiffer Dusters

    Additional help: Monitor page

    Motherboard cleaning

    Why? Dust and especially particles of cigarette smoke can build up and corrode circuitry causing various problems such as computer lockups

    Note: When inside the computer take the necessary ESD precautions and try to avoid unplugging any cables or other connections.

    Procedure: Our recommendation when cleaning the motherboard from dust, dirt, or hair is to use compressed air. When using compressed air, hold it in the up-right position; otherwise, it is possible chemicals may come out of the container that could damage or corrode the Motherboard or other component within the computer. Also, ensure when using compressed air that you always blow the dust or dirt away from the motherboard, or out of the case.

    Another good alternative to compressed air is to use a portable battery powered vacuum that can effectively remove the dust, dirt, and hair from the motherboard completely and prevent it from getting trapped within the case. However, do not use a standard electricity powered vacuum as it can cause a lot of static electricity that can damage the computer. When using the vacuum it is vital that you stay a couple inches away from the motherboard and all other components to help prevent contact as well as to help prevent anything from being sucked into the vacuum. Ensure that you do not remove any small components with the vacuum such as jumpers.

    Tip: When cleaning the inside of the case also look at any fans and/or heat sinks. Dust, dirt, and hair collects around these components the most.

    Additional help: Motherboard Page

    Mouse cleaning

    Why? A dirty optical-mechanical mouse (mouse with a ball) can cause the mouse to be difficult to move as well as cause strange mouse movement.

    Procedure: To clean the rollers of an optical-mechanical mouse, you must first remove the bottom cover of the mouse. To do this, examine the bottom of the mouse to see which direction the mouse cover should be rotated. As you can see in the below illustration, the mouse cover must be moved counter clockwise. Place two fingers on the mouse cover and push the direction of the arrows.

    Once the cover has rotated about an inch, rotate the mouse into its normal position, covering the bottom of the mouse with one hand and the bottom should fall off including the mouse ball. If this does not occur, attempt to shake the mouse gently.

    Once the bottom cover and the ball are removed, you should be able to see three rollers located within the mouse. Use a cotton swab, your finger, and/or fingernail and move in a horizontal direction of the rollers. Usually, there will be a small line of hair and or dirt in the middle of the roller, remove this dirt and/or hair as much as possible.

    Once you have removed as much dirt and hair as possible, place the ball back within the mouse and place the cover back on.

    If the mouse still appears to be having the same issue, repeat the above process; if after several attempts the mouse is still having the same issues, it's likely that your mouse has other hardware issues and we recommend that it be replaced.

    Note: Cleaning your mouse pad with a damp cloth can also help improve a computer's mouse movement.

    Why? To help keep a mouse clean and germ free it can be helpful to clean the mouse.

    Procedure: Use a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol or warm water and rub the surface of the mouse and each of its buttons.

    Additional help: Mouse Page

    Palm pilot cleaning

    Why? Dirty touch screens can cause difficult navigation.

    Procedure: To clean the Palm Pilot Screen, use a soft cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol and rub the screen and the casing of the palm pilot. It is not recommended to use glass cleaner as it could damage plastics over time.

    Printer cleaning

    Why? Cleaning the outside of a printer can help keep the printer's appearance looking good; and in the case of a printer that is used by many different people, keep the printer clean of germs.

    Procedure: First, make sure to turn off the printer before cleaning it. Dampen a cloth with water or rubbing alcohol and wipe the case and each of the buttons or knobs on the printer. As mentioned earlier, never spray any liquid directly onto the printer.

    Why? With some printers it may be necessary to clean the inside of the printer to help keep the printer running smoothly.

    Procedure: Because of numerous types of printers, different steps in cleaning printers, and printer manufacturer policies on cleaning the inside of the printer, we recommend you obtain the printer cleaning steps from your printer manufacturer.

    Scanner cleaning

    Why? Flatbed scanners commonly become dirty with dust, fingerprints, and hair. When a scanner is dirty, the images may have distortions. 

    Procedure: Clean a flatbed scanner's surface by spraying a window cleaner onto a paper towel or cotton cloth and wipe the glass until clean. As mentioned earlier, never spray a liquid directly onto the component.

    To clean the outside of the scanner, the same towel or cotton cloth can be used.

    Superdisk / LS120 cleaning

    Why? It is recommended that the SuperDisk / LS120 drive be cleaned regularly to prevent drive heads from becoming dirty.

    Procedure: Purchase the SuperDisk cleaning kit available through Imation. Using any other method will void the warranty on your drive.

    Additional help: Super disk page

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is a term you may have heard before, but do you know what it means? Moreover, do you know what it means for you specifically? No, it's not some sort of steam-powered supercomputer, although it would be pretty cool if it was!

Imagine a future where just about everything you use on your computer (music, pictures files, etc.) could be accessed from anywhere you could get on the Internet. Actually, it's not really hard to envision at all, seeing as some of us already use sites like “flickr” which act as an online storehouse for our pictures. But imagine everything for a moment. No more installing huge games to our hard drives and worrying about lost disks, if we forgot a document for a meeting we could just hop online and retrieve it! Want a friend to hear a favorite song of yours? It will all be possible! Even your settings will be kept online, so you don't have to fiddle around with options every time you hop on. How cool is that?

Yeah, I thought about security too, and I'm pretty sure that if Cloud Computing becomes a full blown reality we'll have to see measures taken to prevent theft and other malicious happenings. Still, I think the concept is neat enough to share with all of you!

Make Your Own Wallpaper

Would you like to have one of your pictures as a desktop background? It's easier than you think!

1. Figure out your screen resolution. Before you begin, you'll need to figure out what size the final image needs to be. Fortunately, this is really easy. Just right-click a blank area on your desktop and select Properties from the resulting menu. Then, click the Settings tab on the resulting screen. Look at the Screen resolution area and write down the current setting.


2. OK, now you know the size you need, the next step is to pick a photo. So, head to your archives and open the photo you want to use in your favorite imaging program. I'll wait here.

3. Have the photo opened? Cool. Now, adjust anything that needs adjusted (color, saturation, etc). Now, you'll need to resize the image to match your monitor resolution. This setting varies by program, but it's usually found under the Edit or Image menu in most programs.

Most programs will have an option to "constrain proportions". This keeps the image proportional as you change sizes. Make sure this option is checked or the image may look distorted. For more on how this works, check out:

Now, here's the trick. You may find that when you resize the image with the proportions constrained, the numbers don't work out to match your screen resolution. If the numbers are close (say within 10 pixels), don't worry about it. Any distortion will be minimal. However, if you find the numbers are off by quite a bit, you'll need to either crop the image or put it onto a black background that is proportional to your screen resolution.

For the details on how to do this, check out our Constrain Proportions article (linked above). It will explain in detail how you can turn an image that's not proportional into one that is.

4. Once your have your image resized, cropped, and generally ready to go, save it as a JPEG. I'd put it in the "My Pictures" folder for easy reference, but the choice is yours.

5. Last step! Right-click your desktop, select Properties from the resulting menu, then go the Desktop tab. Click the Browse button and navigate to the image you just saved. Select it, hit OK and you should now have your photo set as your desktop wallpaper!

Happy wallpapering.

Removable Memory Cards

We all know that cell phones are one of today's big crazes. An even bigger one is camera cell phones. Before we know it, all cell phones will probably have camera abilities, because the world today likes to see real images rather than just words. So, it may be a good idea to know what you can do with the pictures you take on your phone after the shooting is done.

Picture Messaging

A common way that people transfer photos from their cell phones to their computers (that doesn't really have any additional cost from your regular monthly bill) is picture messaging. It works pretty much the same as text messaging; you just have to have text messaging enabled on your cell phone. If you don't, this method will not work.

Note: Expect this method to be a little different for various phone models, but the following directions are pretty basic and similar for all phones.

If you would like to send a picture to another person's cell phone or if you want to e-mail a picture to a friend or even to yourself, you just need to open your phone and go to the Menu. Find your phone's Media Gallery and then choose Pictures. At this point, you can pick the photo you'd like to send. Once you have it chosen, go to Options and choose Send in Message (like you're sending a text message). This is where you choose to send it to one of the Contacts listed in your phone or if you want to e-mail it to someone or yourself. Pick the person you're sending it to and push the OK button and then Send.

You can also send text with the picture if you want to do that. If you end up e-mailing the picture to someone, you will just have to type in their e-mail address and they will get it in their Inbox. You just need to make sure the person you're sending the picture to has picture capabilities too.

Data Cable

Another way you can transfer photos to other people is to put them directly onto your computer, so you can e-mail them to your friends or save them to a disk or a CD. So, to do that, you have to have some sort of a USB data connection kit, which comes with the cable cord that plugs your phone into your computer's USB port and the software that will help you in transferring the pictures from your phone. You usually have to purchase these kits separate from your phone. The store where you buy your phone should have them available and they will be able to tell you which one will work with your type of phone.

Once you have your phone and computer connected, you can start transferring the pictures. Again, keep in mind that these kits are phone specific, so you need to make sure that you get one that will be compatible with your phone model.


Another way to handle the pictures on your cell phone that is becoming more popular every day is a wireless technology called Bluetooth. Bluetooth works with short-range wireless technologies that allow you to easily send photos from your phone to a laptop or desktop computer. The computer you are sending them to just has to be equipped to accept the pictures.

The most difficult (but it can sometimes be fairly easy) part about Bluetooth is matching the phone to the computer, so they are both compatible with each other. But, once that it is done, sending the images couldn't be easier.

As long as your phone has the Bluetooth software on it, you can send the images without any extra charges billed to you. You can also send photos to other Bluetooth users' phones without any wires or additional charges. This seems to be the most versatile way to go if you're looking to maybe spend a little more money up front for the Bluetooth works, but it will save you money in the long run when you don't have to pay any extra charges when sending your pictures back and forth.


Another way for you to send pictures between your friends and family is to e-mail them. Your cell phone has to have e-mail capabilities for this to work, but a lot of the phones these days come with that ability. You can e-mail them to other people or, as mentioned above, to yourself. You just have to type the e-mail address in the To: field just like you would if you were using Outlook Express and it will be sent.

If you see something while you're out and about that you just have to take a picture of, you can snap the photo on your phone, send yourself a quick e-mail and when you get home, the picture will be on your computer waiting for you. You can then send it off to other people or do something like set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Removable Memory Cards

Another new technology that is presenting itself with camera phones is an external memory card for your phone. The phone just comes with a slot for the card and you can transfer the shots to your computer in a snap. You will need to purchase an external memory card reader so it will all work, but it's one of the easiest ways to go if you takes several pictures with your cell phone.

When you have the card reader installed, you just remove the memory card from your phone, insert it into the reader and your computer will recognize it as another drive. You can then drag and drop the photos wherever you want them to go, e-mail them to others, etc. The options are pretty endless with this choice. You can then get rid of the existing pictures on your phone (since they're on your computer and not lost) and go out and take more. It's that easy!

Just one more reminder: all of these applications work differently with different phones, so make sure you refer to your phone's manual before doing anything you're not sure of. But, all in all, this is all really cool when you think about it. Who would have thought we could do so much with a little phone? Technology is just out of this world!

Broadband Trouble

Here's your problem: "My broadband has stopped working and I can’t get it going again. What can I do"? Believe it or not, but that’s not an uncommon problem and there are a few tips I can give you to solve this annoying problem!

But, troubleshooting should really be called "trouble prevention," because there are a number of steps you should take now before disaster strikes, which will make the whole process a whole lot more painless. So, first of all, let's list some prevention methods.


Take a pen and a pad of paper and take a tour of your installation, making notes of the following:

1. Router: What lights on the front are on when the broadband is working? Which blink and which are steady?

2. Connections: Which cables go from where to where? (For example, computer, router, telephone or satellite connection, etc. (Draw a diagram or two if you need to).

3. Go into your router settings (see Appendix below) and write down all the settings under the various headings.

4. Open up your network connections on your computer (see Appendix below) and make a note of the modem/adapter settings and the TCP/IP settings. (You don’t need to know what they mean, just make a note of what they are).

5. Go into your browser and check the connection settings there (see Appendix below).

Having done all of that, you are now in a much better position to check out what is happening when you have problems without making disastrous changes to your setup, which could make matters worse and not better.

So, now disaster has struck. Everything is at a standstill. What do you do?

Problem Solving – Hardware

Let’s start with eliminating potential problem causes one by one.

1. Is it just a power cut? Are other electrical appliances working?

2. Is it a faulty telephone connection if you have ADSL broadband? Pick up your telephone. Can you hear a signal? If not, trace all of the connections and see if anything has become loose or disconnected. If this is the case, once the telephone is working again, your broadband will too. (Although, you may have to reboot in some cases).

3. Are the same lights on or off on your router as before? If not, which ones are different? They could give you a clue as to the source of the problem.

4. Are the connections in to the computer secure? Take them out one by one and put them back in again. Does this solve the problem?

Problem Solving – Software

Let’s move on to possible settings and software problems.

1. Are all of your broadband connections down? (For example, is it both your e-mail and the Internet?) If it’s only one, suspect the settings on the non-functioning one. It’s unlikely to be much else.

2. Go to your router and run through all the settings you have previously noted down and check and/or rectify any that have been changed.

3. Go to the modem/adapter settings and check these out (especially the channel selected and any passwords. You should have them written down from when you got the equipment).

4. Now, let’s move on to the TCP/IP settings. Have there been any changes. Can you rectify?

5. Next, check the Internet connection settings in your browser.

6. If still no solutions are forthcoming, go to the little Network Connection icon in your system tray (bottom right of screen) and right click. You should see an option to “Repair.” Select that and let Windows try to solve the problem for you.

If you have found settings that have changed and you have been able to change them back, make sure you save everything before exiting. Then reboot your computer before trying again.

If all this fails, it’s time to call your broadband services supplier.

You may find that you are greeted with a recording telling you that there is a breakdown of services in your area. At this point, you are permitted to throw the computer through the window or you may get through to your friendly helpful technician who will talk you through the various checks on their side (don’t be surprised if he goes through many of the steps you have already taken above, but doesn’t it sound impressive when you say, “Yes, I’ve already done that”?!)


Now, here are some more detailed explanations of how to do some of the things listed above.

Router Settings

Your instruction book should give you detailed information about how to access the settings of your router. Usually you have to enter an address in your Web browser, enter a username and password (often admin and admin or admin and 1234 by default, but do change this as soon as possible).

You will then see something like this (varies according to manufacturer):

So, as we suggested, take down all the settings and keep them safe somewhere.

Modem/Adapter Settings

You access your settings via Control Panel / Network settings.

If you right click on the icon, you will see a little box in which you can select Properties (see picture).

This will lead you to a page like this:

Take the top part first: “Connect using” and click on Configure.

Again, what you see will vary from one supplier to another, but basically you should work your way through all the tabs and note down the various settings.

Exit this and then move down to the bottom box and highlight the TCP/IP line (often the last row). Click Properties, which will then bring you to a box like this:

Make a note of the numbers on this page (or maybe the box “Obtain an IP address automatically” is checked. If so, make note of that too).

Browser Settings

Fire up your browser, click on Tools and then Internet Options, which will lead you to this screen:

Select the Connection tab and then write down all the settings here too.

There you go! Hopefully now you are out of the broadband blues and back on the right track!

Happy broadbanding!